Data center decommissioning is an integral part of managing changes in the data center.

Planning and Management

  • Does the contractor provide a detailed statement laying out how they will handle every aspect of the data center decommissioning project.
  • Ask if the contractor will outsource any aspects of the job, such as labor or data destruction.
  • Does the contractor documentation of the entire process, covering aspects such as asset removal, asset destruction, chain of custody, certifications for the destruction of hard drives, and the proper disposal of toxic materials.

Site survey

  • How will your service provider conduct a site survey i.e. your physical location or virtually? It is suggested that you should prefer the one that suits you the best.

In the modern era, many companies may not prefer in-person surveys. So, having a provider that can conduct survey virtually would be highly beneficial and is also recommended.

Redundant data centers, Power failure and Natural Disaster

  • Ask the vendor if the data center goes offline or something happens resulting in a complete power failure, will the data be replicated to another data center immediately so there is no chance for a loss of data?
  • How long can you run on these backup generators?
  • How often do you test your backup generators for functionality and load?
  • How at risk is the data center for a natural disaster?
  • What is your disaster recovery plan?

 Uptime Rate

  • Essentially you are asking how long your services stay up, what percentage can you guarantee?
  • While it’s almost impossible to guarantee 100%, you’re looking for an answer as close to 99.99% as possible.

Repurposing and Recycling

  • Destroying or throwing away all the equipment would be a waste, so you need to know that can your service provider help you out find buyers and help you get any compensation from the process.
  • Do they recycle old equipment which can’t be sold? If yes, then what is the process?
  • How materials will be handled and disposed of, with particular emphasis on hazardous materials.

Dispose of old equipment

  • How they will destroy any old equipment?
  • Securely
  • Wipe your hard drive on site or offsite


  • What type of insurance do they carry:-
  1. Commercial and general liability
  2. Umbrella coverage
  3. Pollution insurance
  4. Cyber insurance

Experience and Credentials

  • How many jobs have they been on before?
  • Ask about their credentials so that you feel confident that you’re making the right decision.

Effective IT Asset Recovery

  • You should ensure that the vendor can demonstrate a track record of returning value to the customer.
  • Check out the vendor’s results for other clients.

Compliance, Rigor And Security

  • Does the service provider demonstrate a level of rigor in their processes that minimizes the risk of omission and protects against human error.
  • Do they work according to security protocols?
  • Do their services include secure logistics?
  • Do they undergo audits to maintain compliance?
  • Who can access the data center outside of employees?
  • Is my data secure from other clients that you host?
  • Are my racks in the data center secure?
  • Do you have sealed trucks?

Maximizing Value Return

  • Ask the prices they’re selling at as well as the quality of the equipment.
  • Does your vendor offer top-tier equipment?
  • Ask about their resale strategies.


  • Check out their reputation and track record online, and have them provide references from their atleast last three clients.



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